Garage Door Won’t Close – What Can I Do to Fix it?

My Garage Door Doesn’t Close – What Can I do? Most garage door openers have an average lifespan of 10-15 years, depending on the maintenance of the garage doors and the number of times you open and close them. The lifespan of the garage door opener is extended by lubricating the door parts and […]
Types of Garage Door Opener Drives Available: Belt drive, Chain drive, or Screw Drive?

What Is the Different Type of Drives Available for Garage Door Openers The drive mechanism in a garage door is primarily a chain drive. These cables are cheap and easy to repair and can be replaced easily. That’s the only thing. What is different from grandpa day is now we have another option which […]
New Year New Garage Door Opener – Here Is Why

Think You Left Your Garage Door Open? No Need To Worry, Your New Smart Garage Door Openers Can Assist You! Are smart home garage door openers safe? Smart Garage Doors are prone to hacking and malware attacks as with other smart homes and devices such as your smartphone. Smart garage doors also have many security […]