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California Wildfires Garage Door Openers SB Bill 969

California Wildfires Garage Door Openers SB Bill 969

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Why Garage Door Openers Are Required to Have a Backup Battery

Beginning 1 January 2019, all available garage doors have batteries backup in California residents since the law passed. Homeowner choose take precaution for emergency situations utilizing the garage backup battery.

California Wildfire Experience

As the wildfires that were burning in the summer struck the eastern part of Texas, many houses slowed. In the aftermath, garage doors that typically use electrical energy were not opened. Many people have been trapped by the electric door in the garage. It was impossible for them to open the garage doors manually. At least five people were killed when they were unable to open the windows. Several retired medical professionals were injured in the car in which they parked the car.

How Do Battery Backups Help With Power Outages?

Garage door openers that have battery backup can help prevent power failure by providing fail protection. In an electric outage, the electronic mechanism on the garage doors opener is not working and the garage doors are locked. Garage doors are protected with batteries so that the door operator can use it safely and efficiently. The battery backup openers are designed to accommodate this feature during these times to obtain maximum battery life other garage door openers not equipped with this technology will have to be mechanically operated door during time of a crisis. Battery status led is green when charges and blinking red when low on battery backup for an extended period of time. Battery status led will let you know it is not charged, or even the chamberlain battery backup opener has this feature equipped is most units. Existing garage door opener does not have this integrated feature installed and might need a separate third party hardware to connect in leu of a garage door battery backup.

They Provide an Easy-to-Use Safety Feature

If a door opener can’t be operated electronically, then it’s possible to remove a wire from the door opener’s electronic mechanism which has been required by legislation. It is ideally possible to open garage doors automatically during a power outage. Nevertheless, the door will open only if it is detachable from the electronic system. Garage doors and windows typically weigh between 10 and hundreds of metric tons. Many people find the large garage doors unreachable during times of turbulence. Battery backup features gives us the option to let the battery backup function time to work when a new garage door is installed with the battery backup system. Garage door opener battery is designed to work during the stressful times against the elements and is important safety feature modern garage door openers include that does not require additional electrical service. For a non motorized door, the user might manually operated door if the door can be opened, residential applications sold well during this time for the new law introduced. Newly sold openers are required to have backup garage door opener this life expectancy.

Can I purchase a garage door opener from another state and install it in California?

Nope. LiftMaster and Chamberlain are prohibited from offering support for garage doors installed in California that are manufactured after July 1, 2019, but do not come with batteries.

What is California State law SB 969?

AB-969 is the California state law that requires all home-sized garage doors installed on or after July 1, 2019 to have battery protection.

By requiring garage door openers contain battery backup technology, it prevents customers from being trapped in garages without electricity.

California’s recent legislative changes to the door of garages have made it harder for the doors to be installed. New garage doors should feature an electrical battery back-up system.

Does California require battery backup on garage door openers?

Protection and penalties the use or installation of garage openers without battery backup is punishable by $500 per violation.

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