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New Year New Garage Door Opener – Here Is Why

New Year New Garage Door Opener – Here Is Why

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Think You Left Your Garage Door Open? No Need To Worry, Your New Smart Garage Door Openers Can Assist You!

smart home, house, technology

Are smart home garage door openers safe?

Smart Garage Doors are prone to hacking and malware attacks as with other smart homes and devices such as your smartphone. Smart garage doors also have many security features that are similar to those offered by many smart house gadgets such as encryption keys and password protection. Moreover, smart garage doors can be used by homeowners who can monitor the safety of an area and open the door remotely. A smart garage door opener is great home security for a garage door homeowner to have. Turning your garage door opener into a smart home platform gives you access to add a Liftmaster belt drive motor that has an integrated camera that is built into the motor. this motor is also equipped with new sensors, an app that can connect your phone to wi-fi, and you can give access to your neighbors, and also give access to your family and friends. Smart garage door controllers is a great tool to add and manage your garage door, and who will have access to it. When installing your garage opener, you wanna make sure to hire a profetional company. They would also help you install your smartphone and sync it with your garage door opener. Home security is very important when it comes to your garage door, home owners use the garage door as their entry

Best smart garage door openers

smart home, house, technology

The MyQ Smart Garage Hub offers new, smart functionality on garage doors once you connect your smart phone with wi-fi. With My Q, you can check if a car is parked or closed remotely via the MyQ app on iOS devices. The system is simple to install with no wires to attach to any door opener. The MyQ app is a smart remote, that allows you access to connect your phone with the new smart garage door opener. When you connect your smart garage door opener to your existing wi-fi network. Your phone will turn into a smart garage controller. Your phone can now replace the old remote that you leave in the car, which thieves can easily steal. When you are away at work or on vacation you can automatically open and automatically close your garage door, knowing your door is secure and closed and your cars are safe and secure from any thieves.

Don’t leave your garage door opener remote in your car

The remote can be attached to the driver’s windshield visor or tossed in the glove compartment. These are the first places that burglars will look. Keep this remote in your purse and it can also be taken to the house with your car if you’re storing the keys. When the upgrade is done to your new garage door opener, your mobile device would now be a smart garage door. Homeowners with an old existing opener would be best to contact your local professional garage door company, to turn your garage door into a burglar-safe zone. Smart home platforms such as the MyQ app can help your smartphone monitor and track inside cars and monitor the entry driveway. Favorite products such as the Liftmaster motors can be a great device for your garage door.

Call Us at Pure Garage Door Services Today!

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